Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We made a decision!

Well, it's official. We picked our agency. It's called Adoption Link and it's out of Yellow Springs, OH. We sent in our application this morning and requested that Rima send them our homestudy. After we are approved, we will meet with one of their social workers and finish our profile. Then we'll be a waiting family. Rima is leaving soon to go to India for her sister's wedding and to visit family. She'll be gone most of November so I hope we can get all of our information transfered to Adoption Link before she leaves! It's hard for agencies to give you a timeframe on how long you will have to wait to be matched since the birthmom picks the adoptive family. However, we were told by the director that other families who have the same preferences as ours usually wait less than 9 months.

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