Thursday, November 29, 2007

Appointment Tomorrow!!

I just verified our appointment tomorrow with Naomi at AL. We are taking a draft of our profile with us and we're hoping she'll look over it and give us suggestions (if needed). I'll be back tomorrow to tell you how it went!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pictures of Nashville!

Here are just a few of our pictures. They aren't in any particular order.

We went to ICE! We had to put on heavy coats over our own coats and then we got to walk through the scenes from The Grinch carved out of ice. It was amazing! Here is Nick getting ready to take a bite out of the turkey carved in ice.

This is the cake Audra and Matt made for my birthday. Isn't it awesome?? I believe it's called "Happy Beach-day".

We went to Aquarium for my birthday dinner. This is a picture from our table. Yes, that is an aquarium in the far right of the pic. It was huge and was floor to ceiling in the middle of the restaurant.

This is the back of Andrew Jackson's mansion on his plantation, The Hermitage.

This is a replica of the Parthenon.

We went to a NHL hockey game, Nashville Predators vs St. Louis Blues. Unfortunately, the Blues won but we did get to see a shoot-out!

This is the front of the Belle Meade. It's another mansion that used to sit on a plantation. However, most of the plantation was sold off. It was beautiful on the inside, all decorated for Christmas.

I'll try to add some more pictures later.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Back from our trip!

We are back from our trip! We had a wonderful, relaxing time! I'll try to post some pictures soon.

Nothing new on the adoption front. Our appointment is still set for Nov. 30th!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A little bummed...

We have an appointment with AL on 11/30 at noon. It seems so far away right now. Of course, the time will fly with Nashville, Thanksgiving and SHOPPING!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just waiting...

Not much happening. We had to sign a release in order for Rima to transfer our homestudy and that has been done. Now we are just waiting for AL (Adoption Link) to get the homestudy and our application and check. I'll give it a few more days and call them if I haven't heard anything.