Sunday, October 28, 2007

So here's where we are at...

Wow.. I didn't realize it had been so long since I've updated! So here is where we are at in the process. We went to Rima's on Friday to sign our homestudy. It is officially done and can be sent to any agency at any time we ask.

On Saturday we went to the Adoption Fair at the Vineyard Church in Tri-County. There were a lot of different agencies, lawyers, adoption services, etc. with booths set up and loads of information. We spoke with someone from Adoption Link and with Graceworks. We think we are going to go with either one or both of these agencies. Nick and I are going to sit down tonight and compare the two and write up a list of questions we have for both agencies. Then tomorrow, I'll call them both and get our answers. Then we can decide what we are going to do and just do it! :-)

We printed our profile off last week and had a copy of it made for Rima. Once we pick an agency, one of their social workers will sit down with us and help us conform it to their standard profile. I'm pretty confident that we won't have to do much else with it though!

Hopefully I will be back very soon to let you know what agency we decided to work with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything!! !I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking and praying for you guys!! You both will make amazing parents!!!! And i can't wait for a new cousin!! :)

I love you both!!!