Thursday, September 6, 2007

What a morning

Two days ago, I finally hit 100,00 miles on my poor Corolla. I was so sure something would happen on that day, but instead, it happened today. I was on 275 heading to 74 when I got my first flat tire! Thank heavens for AAA! They were there pretty quickly and changed it for me. Luckily, the mechanic said it could be repaired. Nick, who is the best husband ever, let me have his car and he is taking care of it for me.

Someone sent me an email today that said, "Fear not tomorrow, for God is already there." Wow... how powerful is that?!?!

We actually got a lot accomplished yesterday with our list of documents. The fire marshall is coming next Thursday to do a fire inspection. We are both going Saturday to get our fingerprints for the BCI and FBI checks. Nick filled out our financial statement and I made copies of our birth certificates and marriage license. I also called Richard Allen and talked with the principal and she is writing me a recommendation. Today, I need to call the other 3 places where I've worked with kids. This weekend, we have to finish unpacking the upstairs and start hanging pictures and curtains. Should be fun! :-)

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