Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Oh my gosh, there is so much paperwork to gather that it's hard to even know where to start! Here is a list of what we have to have:
-BCI and FBI background checks
-affidavit of "no-criminal" statement (I have no idea what this is!)
-fire inspection (has to be done by the fire marshall)
-copy of our fire escape route plan (ummm.. is our plan to just get outside good enough? haha)
-medicals for both of us
-copy of our birth certificates
-copy of our marriage license
-copy of our tax return from 2006
-employment verification for both of us
-releases of information
-residency verification
-a financial statement (that won't take long..haha.. just kidding!)
-copy of our social security cards
-copy of our driver's licenses
-copy of automobile insurance
-our safety audit (done by the agency)
-central abuse registry check (also done by the agency)

Alright.. I'm off to start finding this stuff! :-) I mean... I'm off to start working (since I am at work after all..haha)

I'll let you know if I learn anything after I talk to Rima in a little bit.

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